….to BATTLE REQUIEM, a fantasy battle royale card game where the goal is simple: be the last player or team with any Hit Points (HP) remaining. To win, players will need to use Battle Cards pulled from a shared Draw Pile to attack their opponents and try to reduce their HP by dealing them damage. During the game, players will also be able to use Battle Cards to restore their HP, take additional turns or perform unique Special Abilities.

BATTLE REQUIEM contains 90 Cards:

  • 65 Battle Cards: These cards are used for performing certain actions in the game such as attacking opponents to reduce their HP, repelling attacks, regaining HP, and taking extra turns among other purposes.

  • 18 Character Cards: These cards are used to represent you during the game with each player picking one at the start of play. Review their Stats and choose wisely as each Character Card is slightly different. Experiment each game to choose the one that suits your play style!

  • 6 HP Tracker Cards: These are used to track your HP (life) in the game. When you run out HP, you’ve been defeated and are eliminated from the battle royale.

  • 1 Reference Card: This is a cheat sheet of sorts to remind you what you can do when it’s your turn. The more you play, the less you’ll need it!

I. Game Contents

II. Game Objective

Eliminate your opponents and be the last player or team with any Hit Points remaining.

III. Game Setup


    • Each player must pick 1 Character Card from the deck to represent them in the game and put the rest back in the box.

    • If you are going to play a team-game, players on each team must be from the same Realm as noted on their Character Cards.


    • Each player must take 1 HP Tracker Card from the deck and put the rest back in the box.

    • Players must place their Character Card on top of their HP Tracker Card so the arrow in the upper right-hand corner aligns with the number tile that matches their HP Stat. This arrow is to be shifted on the tracker as players lose or regain HP during the game.


    • Take the 65 Battle Cards and shuffle them well.

    • Each player is to be dealt the number of cards noted on their Inventory Stat face-down to form their first hands.

    • Place the remaining cards in the centre of all players face-down to create the Draw Pile.

    • Take the top card of the Draw Pile and place it face-up next to it to create the Discard Pile.


    • Battle Requiem is a turn-based game, meaning each player gets 1 turn by default before the next player may start their turn.

    • The order of turns is set by the Age Stat on each player’s Character Card. The youngest goes first, followed by the second-youngest and so on.

    • NOTE! Defending yourself in a Duel (see Section V) or fulfilling the conditions of another player’s Special Ability (see Section IV) DO NOT count as your turn in the rotation.


When it’s a player’s turn in the rotation, they must take one of the following four actions below as their turn. Regardless of action, Modifiers from Character Cards should be applied where relevant.


    • The player must select 1 card from their Inventory and declare they are Discarding it without use.


    • The player must follow the instructions on the Pink Item Card as each is different.


    • This card type is played for a one-time use of your Special Ability. The conditions are described on your Character Card.

    • NOTE! Modifiers DO NOT apply when players fulfil the conditions of the Special Ability.


    • See Section V below for instructions on how to attack an opponent in a Duel one-on-one. This is a critical way to reduce an opponent’s HP and emerge victorious!

  • Any cards Discarded or used during a player’s turn must be moved to the top of the Discard Pile face-up.

  • All players must pull from the top of the Draw Pile to refill their Inventories to the amount noted on their Inventory Stat (unless otherwise noted) if short of cards before the next player’s turn may commence.

  • If the Draw Pile has been fully used, then shuffle the Discard Pile and place it face-down to create a new Draw Pile. Take the top card of the new Draw Pile and place it next to it face-up to create the new Discard Pile. Repeat this as needed during the game.


The winner of a Duel is decided by simple math. Each Brown Armament Card and Gray Armor Card has a Battle Rating Number (BRN) in the upper left-hand corner of the card. Players tally up the BRNs on the cards they have deployed to determine the winner. Here are the steps!

  • ATTACK: On your turn - if you choose to attack another player in a Duel - announce the single opponent you are attacking and play up to a total of 3 Brown Armament Cards face-down. You may mix the Brown Armament Card types of Melee, Missile or Spell however you choose, but you may not exceed 3 in total. For example, you may choose to attack with 3 Melee Cards OR 2 Spell Cards and 1 Missile Card OR just 1 Missile Card.

  • DEFEND: The defending player must then take one of four actions in response to the attack:

    • Use Brown Armament Cards: Play up to a total of 3 Brown Armament Cards of any type face-down. Melee, Missile and/or Spell Types can be mixed, but you cannot mix-in Gray Armor Cards or Gold Shield Cards; OR

    • Use a Gray Armor Card: Play a single Gray Armor Card face-down. A Gray Armor Card will absorb some or all of the attack. This is a good option if you don’t want to use up your Brown Armament Cards and are willing to take a risk that you won’t lose a lot of HP; OR

    • Use a Shield Card: Play a single Gold Shield Card face-up. A Gold Shield Card will automatically block the full attack (skip to “End Step” below). This is a good option if you absolutely cannot afford to lose any HP; OR

    • Use No Cards: Do nothing and accept the effects of the attack. This option may cost you a lot in HP, but will allow you to avoid playing any cards.

  • REVEAL: The attacking player must reveal all their cards first, apply any Modifiers from their Character Card and sum up their total BRN. The defending player must then do the same.


    • If the defending player has the higher total BRN or there is a tie, then the defending player is safe from harm and no harm comes to the attacker.

    • If the attacking player has the higher total BRN, then they harm the defending player by dealing them damage and reducing their HP.

      • The amount of HP lost by the defending player is equal to the attacking player’s total BRN minus the defending player’s total BRN.

      • For example, if the attacking player’s total BRN after applying their Modifiers is 12 and the defending player’s total BRN after applying their Modifiers is 7, then the defending player loses 5HP.

  • END:

    • If the defending player has taken damage, they must shift the arrow on their Character Card to the correct number tile on their HP Tracker Card.

    • Cards used during a duel must be moved to the Discard Pile face-up.

    • Players must refill their hands to their Inventory Stat (unless otherwise noted) by pulling from the top of the Draw Pile.

    • The attacker’s turn then ends, moving on to the next player in the rotation.


  • Players are eliminated from the game when they have zero HP remaining. When defeated, their cards move face-up to the Discard Pile unless otherwise noted.

  • If an attacking player eliminates another player, they may choose one of the following as a reward:

    • Regain 5HP; OR

    • Restock their Inventory using their own unused cards and the defeated player’s unused cards; OR

    • Permanently increase their Inventory size by 1 card.


The game ends when there is only one player or team with any HP remaining